Title: Tonsil - TONSIL-1 - CyCIF Sample summary: This is a small region of a human tonsil containing a germinal center and a section of crypt epithelium, obtained from the archives of the Department of Pathology, Brigham and Women’s Hospital as part of a discarded tissue protocol. It has been imaged with several immune cell markers as well as markers of general tissue structure. Metadata template: ## Metadata about this sample ### Demographics **Species:** Human **Vital Status:** [Alive/deceased] **Cause of death:** [if deceased] **Sex:** (Female, Male, Intersex) **Race:** [White, American Indian or Alaska Native, Black or African American, Asian, Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander, Other] **Ethnicity:** [Hispanic or Latino, Not Hispanic or Latino] ### Diagnosis **Age at Diagnosis:** [years] **Primary Diagnosis:** **Site of Resection or Biopsy:** **Tumor Grade:** **Stage (AJCC 8th Edition):** ### Imaging **Imaging Assay Type:** **Fixative Type:** **Microscope:** **Objective:** ## Publication and Data Availability ### Attribution: **Please cite the publication and underlying data as:** Author, AA, Author, BB, Author CC, et al. *Article Title*. Journal. Year Volume(Issue): Page range, DOI: [xx.xxx/yyyy](doi.org/myDOI) **Please cite this Minerva Story as:** *If the story has a DOI (via Dataverse or another repository)*: AA Author, BB Author, CC Author, etc. Story Title. Harvard Dataverse. Year, DOI: [xx.xxx/yyyy](doi.org/myDOI) *If the story does not have a DOI*: AA Author, BB Author, CC Author, etc. Story Title. Creation Year, URL. Site of Resection or Biopsy: Tonsil Microscope: General Electric IN Cell Analyzer 6000 Objective: Nikon 40X / 0.95NA Attribution: **Please cite the publication and underlying data as:** Du, Z., Lin, JR., Rashid, R. et al. Qualifying antibodies for image-based immune profiling and multiplexed tissue imaging. Nat Protoc 14, 2900–2930 (2019). [doi:10.1038/s41596-019-0206-y](https://doi.org/10.1038/s41596-019-0206-y) Channel descriptions: DNA1: Nuclei Keratin: Crypt epithelium Ki-67: Proliferating immune cells aSMA: Blood vessels CD45: Immune cells (general) CD20: B-cells CD8A: Cytotoxic T-cells CD4: T-helper cells CD3D: T-cells (all)